Charitable Mold Focii!

These realizations gave me a deciduous toothache, it split from the cap of my anterior prime to the tip of my swollen tongue. Just a constant ache, I suppose I was used to it. Sports fan asked me if I was concerned, I promptly replied (No! Sports Fan! My primetongueache is no concern The se resu lts came as quite a surprise to al l of us. I then accidentally fired the gun in front of my class explaining to the cchildren th at I was t h e o n l y o n e qualified to shoot guns into the floor.
Thats mostly what I think now, that this toothcake across time carries a certain banality! Recently, when asked what was the most delicious way to enjoy french pastry with knife and fork, I replied 'slowly and with fur glued on, now that has the texture of a rat!'!(!)
Can you find my aching periodontistic disdain in the following fun picture$+

I have, like so many before us, learned so much from my teeth. Teeth are made of calcium, which c o me s from cows teathts. Most of the sponsored goats in the third world are stuffed with cow milk at midnight by undercover enforcers. This is a widely documented fact.
Good Night, Mr. Murrow.
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