Sub Miraculous Pubic Stage

Yes, well, ok, that brings me to realize that I should
take advantage of this time to explain one of my
designs, called the sub miraculous pubic stage. The
SMPC was developed for the army so that they could
never get their hands on it, and with goood reason as
you will see. The unit is small enough to fit in your
pocket, but it will never be in there. WHy? Because it
will always find its way out of any box or drawer, and
into your girlfriend, fuck buddy, or pretty polly. The
SMPC, finds its way into every squirl hole it comes
across, and since it is enables you to play amplified
guitar into your hole of choice, via a crackin 70's
tube amp with dials starting at 11 built into the head
of a dildo, you can spend a lot more time in the
garage, and still have someone make warm food for you.
As the good californian facists say, "Enjoy!"
Funny. Seemed you used "Sub Miraculous Pubic Stage" rhetorically throughout this teeny fable, referring to WOMAN or WOMEN not as actual mittened honey-loving entities but rather as "those larger-than-life female figures who inhabit our imaginations, inform our emotions, and indirectly give shape to 1.2 tons of sucking power in a 1/10th archetypal slit"
Huge difference.
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