Snowfuelled poopchute #16

I was horrofied by what came down the pip[e last night. I sat down by
the window and took a large huff off the of the carbon monoxide pipe I had
installed in my kitchen. I was thinking about slapping Tuetons. I was
sitting there reading the choose your own adventure story, slApping
fritos into my mouth, when-who could have known!)-a little baby came down
the pipe.
I almost fel over when I felt the little foot poking through ther rusty
metal, dangling into my mouth. It grazed my teeth with its toenail. The
rest of it came out and the thing had the bals to just sit there, creaming
in my mouth, like a nervous skull. I was gagging and sobbing and it only
laughed. I tried to spit it back into the pipe but it wouldn't fit. It
had already grown too big to fit, after feedding off of my saliva.
Now my wife wont talk to me, forget about sex. I am without hope, Sally?
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