Fetid Plasticene Fistfuck Antelope!

(Figure A: Retching Facist Cumstained Skidmark.)
Scrotal phlegm backwash soup. Extra resistant windpipe shears. Fangmasher, maw-clawer, ethicor: the guarteed ethics remover.
Quartered shankshift creampie face-stabbing fencepost badger beaver. Rancid skunktwat cantelope-slicer crass mouthbreathing geriophile chigger-breeding causticism. Relenquent varicose veins shunting the umelated tungsten steeled businessweasels.

(Figure B: Skewered Cuntlip Ballsmash Felchfest.)
Hormuncular jabber-jawing MSG-addict crotchpost. Sanguine puddenpelters suckling the bladed teat of the half-million dead-leemer bankrupt-auction. Agency. Acid-burn massage croquet ballmallet asinine tepid bellicose trashsucker. Seething pantysniffers muck chew cokburn. Washout, fuck your cow in the brain with a five ton asshammer shitsucker.
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